Sunday, December 5, 2010


2ND Version: Pandora’s Box and Prometheus Bound

First scene: Pandora’s Box

“Another story about Pandora is that the source of all misfortune was not her wicked nature but only her curiosity. The gods presented her with a box into which each had put something harmful and forbade her ever to open it….For Pandora, like all women, was possessed of a lively curiosity. She had to know what was in the box. One day, she lifted the lid --- and out flew plagues innumerable sorrow and mischief for mankind. In terror Pandora clapped down the lid down but too late….”*

Pandora in this scene can not only be taken as a single entity, a woman, but she also stands to symbolize the whole of humanity. God gave man a beautiful place to live in; fresh air, clean water, trees, flowers verdant fields, animals; everything that is beautiful, peaceful and harmonious. But when man was delivered to earth, with all his will, he explored his own capacity and intelligence and eventually exploited the beautiful gift of God to him. Out from his intelligence and innate curiosity he ventured earth and later fabricated science and technology. Out from this field man brought forth machines gadgets tools for the sake of easing his daily living and to satisfy his curiosity. But all these fabrications and exploitation of the gift of God backfired. Now we have pollution in all face of the globe; global warming, rising sea levels, death, illnesses and sickness, poverty, you name it. Worst, after pollution and all sorts of problems humans invented weapons; on the larger scale of mass destruction like atomic and nuclear bombs; on a lower level, he created guns, grenade and knife to kill his own race. If we try to look at it closely, it seems that the human act of exploiting the gift has brought destruction and chaos just like what Pandora did when she opened the box.

Second scene: Prometheus Bound

“When Zeus had punished men by giving them women he turned his attention to the arch-sinner himself. The new ruler of the gods owed Prometheus much for helping him conquer the other Titans but he forgot his debt. Zeus had his servants Force and Violence, seize him and take him to he Caucasus, where they bound him.
To a high-piercing headlong rock
In adamantine chains that none can break,

…Hermes told warned him that if he persisted in his stubborn silence, he should suffer still more terrible things.
An eagle red with blood
Shall come, a guest unbidden to your banquet.
All day long he will tear to rags your body
Feasting in fury on the blackened liver.

But nothing no threat, no torture, could break Prometheus. His body was bound but his spirit was free. He refused to submit to cruelty and tyranny. He knew that he had served Zeus well and that he had done right to pity mortals in their helplessness. His suffering was utterly unjust, and he would not give in to brutal power no matter at what cost….”*

Prometheus, the savior of mankind the rebel against injustice and the authority of power was punished by his fellow Titan, Zeus. This scenario is indeed no peculiar one. At present we see a lot of forms of violence and encroachment of human rights in our society. And I think, all throughout history humans have witnessed the same thing. One example is the heroism of the Philippines’ national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Jose Rizal fought valiantly against the evil doings of the colonial Spain. Though continually harassed (including his family), brutalized, pursued, and eventually executed, he never stopped because he know that he is fighting for freedom not only his own but for all his countrymen. He is like Prometheus in 18th century Philippines.

But we need not look too far in the past for we have those kinds of altruistic deeds at present. We hear a lot of media men being assassinated and murdered. Human rights groups and members of the leftist groups are summarily executed. Why? Because, like Prometheus they are fighting against injustices by exposing the ill-governance of some officials of the state. At what cost? Losing their jobs and even their lives, and leaving their families forever. This only means that the fight Prometheus had been fighting for has rung across ages. And I think this shall resonate until such time that this world will be free from all forms of tyranny.

*Lifted from Edith Hamilton’s MYTHOLOGY; Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes pages 74-75

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