Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Virility of MEN

For ages, men have been held in greater esteem than their female counterparts. Men have commanded the armies, have ruled the strongest of races, have possessed most the influence and power, and  have garnered the greatest of honors. They have excelled in the arts, literature, science, politics, and athletics. This goes without saying that men are dominant. In Greek mythology, the strongest power is wielded by men.
The strongest of all powers is owned by a male god, the king of the gods, whose home is Mt. Olympus ---Zeus. It is  a “he” not a “she” who can make all kings and queens bow on his feet and follow his will. Zeus showed his might early on when he led his brothers and sisters in overthrowing in overthrowing and castrating their own father, Cronus After that, he ruled the world. He can also do anything that he wishes especially in making maidens submit into his sexual desire.
Another dominant male figure of the Greek literature is the hero Prometheus. No one, not even any god, equals him in wisdom..He was very heroic that he was soon forgiven by the one whom he wronged.
Narcissus enslaved lovely nymphs and maidens  by his beauty. Apollo was the most skilled of all musicians in Mt. Olympus. He was also the first to introduce healing arts to humans. Water, one of the vital elements of earth was ruled by Poseidon. He can send tempest and can even drown the earth if he wants to. And Hades, an Olympian God who rules the world of the dead. He left Demeter helpless when he abducted Persephone from her. All of them are males.
   This gives the picture of how Greeks viewed men as a supreme power. They created the image of gods in their likeness. For the Greeks, the male figure is a vessel of strength.
   No doubt, the greatest events, crises and wars were triumphed by males. They made the made the most important decisions and they have the final say in almost all things. It was the male Adonis who caused the feud between Persephone and Aphrodite and it was the male Zeus who settled their dispute.

   Rather than let things happen, males rise to the occasion and change the course of destiny. And this same nature is immortalized by Greek poets. For without males, Greeks mythology will never exist.

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