Monday, January 17, 2011

Reaction paper on the love story between Pyramus and Thisbe

Too Much Love will kill you

“Love, cannot be forbidden. The more flame is covered up the hotter it burns.”

            Starting with the premise that love is naturally unfathomable, it will be difficult to express one’s view on the love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The issue of fatalistic suicide is our concern here. Is it immoral and unethical to commit such?

            To be straight, the reason for the suicide was LOVE. It is sometimes difficult not to subscribe to the idea that love transcends limits and knows no boundaries. Love is too deep for the human mind to comprehend. That is why, when you ask people about love, they would give you different “definitions”.  Love can’t be grasped unless one (subjectively) experiences it. One cannot measure it for it has no dimensions of length, height, width, mass, volume, specific gravity, altitude, angle, diameter, parameter, radius, vortex, speed, velocity, or whatsoever. One cannot explain it just by using the method of experimentation and observation. Why? For one thing, love is a spiritual phenomenon not a tangible occurrence.

            If I were to put myself in the position of the lovers, I could have done the same thing. Although I believe that suicide is a sinful thing in the eyes of God, no one knows how the lovers felt at that moment. It was mentioned that fate had been hard on them. So, God might have decreed that the couple’s affair should commence that way. If this is the case, we cannot go against the will of the Father. Even Jesus Christ died because it was his Father’s will. After all, what’s wrong with dying? It is not awry to die for love.  Is it? For me, it is better to die for something or someone you love than to have not loved at all.

            From one view, the suicide is a sin. But I think the lovers were more of victims than criminals. They fall prey of loving each other too much to the point of killing themselves.

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